Most tourists don't visit Baray as it isn't mentioned in the peregrinate guides. There is still some mystery about it, as it is not pellucid how it arised. Baray is not a natural phenomenon but was handmade. Baray shows that Khmers could not only contruct temples but are withal experts in engendering systems for irrigation.
The barays or the reservoirs had as function to irrigate the many rice fields. They ascertained that a plethora of crops could be harvested the whole year round. They are a component of a hug irrigation system engendered and set up by the Angkor ancerters. Later they ware additionally utilized for ceremonies, like coronation of kings or religious events. In integration each Baray has a sacred temple in its center and was built as dedication to the gods. In total there are four barays. They believe they contributed to the richness, health and hapiness of the Angkor Imperium and it critizens.
Four Barays
Indratataka, constructed in the 9th century, is the first Baray and was the work of King Indravarman I. Today this Baray belongs to the famous Rolous Group.
The East Baray or Yasodharatataka was the second one to be built and got its form in the 10th century. King Yasovarman I was responsible for the engenderment of this 2km by 8km astounding lake. Eastern Mebon is the holy temple which stands in the center of this baray. Nowadays the East Baray is utilized as rice fields. It lost it orignal function as reservoir.
West Baray is the most well-kenned Baray and is the most astronomically immense and deepest lake ever built by humans. Nowhere in the world you will find a more astronomically immense one. It was made to sustain the dihydrogen monoxide and to pour the dihydrogen monoxide to the local rice fields and to grow crops for the population of Angkor Wat. King Jayavarman V gave the command to construct this cyclopean lake in the 10th century, but it took many years to culminate. It had an outline of 2.5km by 8km and had a dike of five to eight meter high. The central temple Western Mebon stands on an island in the middle of West Baray. Anteriorly the island contained an astronomically immense bronze statue of Vishnu. To bulwark and to preserve it, the statue is now exhibited in the National Museum in Phnom Penh. On the insland you can still find a linga which was to believe to make the dihydrogen monoxide fertile so that many corps could be grown.
The last Baray or Jayatataka was done by King Jayavarman VII in the 12th - 13th century. Neak Poan Temple forms the center of this Baray. This diminutive tower stands out the dihydrogen monoxide and was wrapped by two dragons. The dragons betokened the dihydrogen monoxide and bulwark. It present the impeccable amalgamation of earth and dihydrogen monoxide. The people utilized this holy temple for health care and thought is would additionally bulwark the soldiers which were enlisted to go to the battle field. They believed that the dihydrogen monoxide in the pools of Neak Poan temple would give energy and health to the people of the Angkor city.
Today West Baray is the most famous. It is nice to visit if you optate to have a relaxing and slothful day. You can hang in a hammock and relish the scenery. Endeavor the Cambodian roasted chicken or the fish. On a sultry day you can take a splash in the dihydrogen monoxide or take a boat ride to the island. The dihydrogen monoxide is not plenarily hygienic but innocuous. It is a very popular place with the Cambodians to have a day out with the family. You just follow road 6 to the airport. On the aroundabout you go straight and you will anon optically discern an sign on your right leading you to Baray.
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